Out There Honey: Chocolate & Espresso


This classic flavor combo is beautifully elevated with delicious raw honey. Making this a new go to for all chocolate and coffee lovers. Warm it up a little and use it as a chocolate desert syrup with a zing or just eat a spoonful.

Out there honey is always raw and unrefined. Sometimes natural crystallization will occur because it is so unrefined. Simply warm under the tap or in a bowl with hot water to loosen it up.

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Cocoa was first cultivated in ancient South America. During the Age of Exploration, the Spanish Conquistadors introduced it to Europe. In the 1850s, steam-powered machines allowed for the mass production of cocoa powder. Today, over 4.5 million tons of cocoa are consumed around the world every year.

Cocoa powder is made from cocoa beans, which come from the plant Theobroma cacao L. Cocoa beans are the primary ingredient in chocolate, but they can also be ground into cocoa powder. The powder provides many potential health benefits.

Health Benefits

Cocoa powder provides tons of benefits, especially if your powder is at least 72% cocoa. Here’s a look at some of the health benefits of cocoa powder:

Improved Cognitive Health

Research suggests that adding more cocoa powder to your diet helps to improve your attention, working memory, and general cognition. It may also restore cognitive performance in people with sleep loss.

Stronger Immune System

Cocoa powder contains ironzinc, and selenium. These minerals help your body function and give your immune system a boost.

Lessened Side Effects of Radiation Therapy

Consuming cocoa powder can be helpful if you’ve been diagnosed with cancerand undergo radiation therapy. The selenium in cocoa power has been shown to limit the negative side effects of radiotherapy in people with cancer.

Better Muscle and Nerve Function

Magnesium is important for regulating muscle contraction and helping with nerve function. The mineral also helps protect nerve cells and reduce the risk of neurological disorders. Cocoa powder contains magnesium, which means consuming it can help with maintaining healthy muscle and nervous system functioning.

Wound Healing

Chocolate made with 90% cocoa contains plenty of zinc, a mineral that is useful for healing wounds.

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Flavonols, a type of flavonoid found in dark chocolate, help to protect you from heart disease by lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow, and preventing cell damage. Cocoa powder also contains polyphenols, antioxidants that help to improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Reduced Inflammation

Cocoa powder is rich in theobromine, which helps to reduce inflammation and can protect you from diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Weight Loss and Control

Since cocoa is rich in phytonutrients but low in fat and sugar, the calories you get from cocoa powder will be packed with healthy chemicals. Studies have also found that cocoa helps to regulate energy use and metabolism while also increasing feelings of fullness. In other words, although chocolate is commonly associated with weight gain, cocoa powder may actually help to reduce weight while providing important nutrients.

Source: https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-cocoa-powder#1

Espressos are most known for being little cups of delicious energy. They help pick us up when we're feeling down and need an extra boost to get through the day.

Most people don't think of drinking espresso as a way to maintain their health.

However, espresso has a long list of different health benefits that should no longer go unnoticed. We're here to help you learn all about them.

Strengthens Long-Term Memory

It has been shown that drinking espresso can help with  your memory. Not only does it aid in your brain's retention of stored information, it also can be helpful in recalling that information.

If you were to have an espresso while studying for a school exam and then had an espresso right before the exam, the espresso helps you to remember the material better.

It's similar to the idea that chewing gum during study can help you remember the information if you were to chew gum during the test.

Except espresso has many more benefits that will help you at the same time.

Improves Concentration

Drinking espresso gives you a boost of energy. This energy can make it a lot easier for your brain to focus on your day-to-day responsibilities. Espresso kick starts the dopamine in your brain, helping to aid in concentration.

If you're ever feeling as though you're beginning slow down during the day, an espresso can be the best way to combat that kind of exhaustion.

One espresso can make a big difference in your productivity. Remember to be mindful of your espresso consumption. A good night's rest is also an important step to keeping your concentration strong.

High in Antioxidants

Coffee has been found to be full of a wide  variety of antioxidants. Espresso is like a small concentrated punch of all of those good antioxidants in a tasty package.

For example, it contains polyphenols, which help with preventing diseases, and cafestol, which is an anti-inflammatory.

It also has hydrocinnamic acids, which help to neutralize any free radicals that you come into contact with throughout the day. These free radicals can be anything such as air pollution, smoking hazards, and UV rays.

Boosts Physical Activity

Drinking an espresso right before beginning physical activity can increase your performance. Whether it's a sporting event or your daily workout, espresso can be the right companion to help you out.

Espresso gets your adrenaline pumping, which enhances your strength and speed. This enhancement makes you perform at a greater efficiency than you could normally achieve without it.

The increase in adrenaline can also help with keeping you going for a longer period of time. Still, it's always a good idea to take proper breaks throughout your physical exertion.

Low in Calories

A nice quality of espresso is the fact that you can enjoy the benefits without needing to worry about excessive calorie intake. Even the  perfect shot of espresso can be both beneficial and guilt-free.

The amount of calories is dependent on what you pair your espresso with, but an ounce of straight espresso only comes in at about 3 calories.

That makes it a great choice to start your day off on the right foot. It also works well as a pick-me-up during the low energy hours of the afternoon.

Lowers Risk of Stroke

A study has found that drinking espresso helps to  reduce women's risk of having a stroke.

The more the patient drank, the lower the risk went. Those who drank very little or nothing at all had a higher risk of having a stroke.

This is great news if you're as big a fan of espresso as we are. Although the health benefits of espresso are great, it's important that you drink it responsibly. Too much of a good thing can sometimes be bad.

Aids in Weight Loss

Because espresso can help with your physical performance, it makes daily workouts less intense. It can push you to do more and work harder than ever before. It also helps in preventing any muscle soreness that comes alongside a tougher workout.

This quality added on to the fact that it is so low in calories makes espresso a great tool in weight loss efforts.

Having an espresso a half hour before a workout can make a big difference in the results you see.

Improves Digestion

A cup of espresso can help your digestive cycle get moving alongside with you. If you have troubles with digestion, try adding espresso to your routine.

Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, espresso can keep you from feeling bloated and sick after a meal. Instead of feeling like lying down for a nap, you'll feel more like conquering the world.

Reduces Chance of Diabetes

In a world where diabetes is becoming more common, it can be a relief to find that espresso can help  reduce the risk of diabetes.

It also is a much healthier choice than the normal types of coffee that many people drink throughout the day. Instead of loading up with sugars and creams, espresso can be enjoyed as is, leaving out those extra calories and fats.

You can get that energy boost without sacrificing your health.

Improves Your Mood

The caffeine in an espresso is a powerful stimulant. This kind of stimulant can help to clear up any cloudy moods that are bringing you down throughout the day. It can get your day going in a much brighter direction.

Espresso can also help those who suffer from depression. It boosts brain activity, takes away exhaustion, and stimulates your mood into something that is easier for you to work with.

Drinking espresso doesn't substitute getting professional help, but it can certainly be a useful tool.

Source: https://espresso-experts.com/blogs/espresso-machine-experts/top-10-health-benefits-of-drinking-espresso