Out There Mustard: Original


The amazing mustard original, a good starting point on your flavor journey.

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A Brief Mustard History: https://youtu.be/lkxJuaIuFbI

Health Benefits of Mustard

Phenolic components and other valuable nutrients present in different parts of the mustard plant such as seeds, leaves, and oil collectively offer a magnitude of health benefits with a unique flavor. The efficacy of the mustard plant for therapeutic usage is discussed below. Let us have a look at them in detail. [7]

Relieves Symptoms of Psoriasis

The tiny mustard seeds are effective against psoriasis, which is a chronic inflammatoryautoimmune disorder. A study conducted by a team of Chinese researchers has shown the efficacy of mustard seed as an anti-inflammatory agent, and as part of future psoriasis treatments. According to the study, the use of these seeds also stimulates the activities of beneficial enzymes, which may encourage healing action against psoriasis-led legions. [8]

Relief from Contact Dermatitis

Mustard seeds offer therapeutic relief in contact dermatitis, which is a condition in which the skin develops an itchy rash when it comes in contact with an allergen. An animal study published in the Journal of Southern Medical University has suggested that consumption of mustard seeds helps in healing the symptoms associated with contact dermatitis such as healing of tissues and reduction in ear swelling. However, more studies are required to ascertain its efficacy in humans.[9]

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Mustard seeds are a rich source of antioxidants such as kaempferol, carotenoids, and isorhamnetin, and other essential plant compounds that help the body against any kind of damage and disease. These flavonoids may also help reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases.

Mustard oil, extracted from these seeds, is also known to be a healthier option than most other cooking oils for the heart. A randomized study published in the Clinical Trials Journal showed when patients with serious heart ailments and suspected of a heart attack were given mustard oil in moderate quantities, they demonstrated positive results concerning the reduction in the rate of cardiac arrhythmia, decrease in the ventricular enlargement, and the chest pain associated with it.[10]

The cardioprotective properties of mustard oil are possibly attributed to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids among other helpful components. This initial research is promising for future studies examining mustard seed and its cardiovascular implications.

Relief from Respiratory Disorders

Mustard seeds have always been valued for their therapeutic effects against cold and sinus problems. It is considered a wonderful decongestant and expectorant, which helps in clearing the mucus in the air passage. For ages, different home remedies have involved the usage of mustard seeds or oil for treating a range of sinus-related ailments because of its heat-generating properties.

A 2020 study published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journalsuggests that when ground mustard seeds are added to foot soak it helps relieve congestion in the respiratory tract. A book titled, Herbal Simples Approved For Modern Uses of Cure, an infusion of mustard seeds when taken medically helps relieve the symptoms of chronic bronchitis. Furthermore, it states that when one gargles with tea made of mustard seeds, it helps soothe a sore throat. [11] [12]

During an asthmatic attack, massaging a mix of mustard oil and a small amount of camphorpromotes easy breathing by breaking down phlegm. Another book titled, The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, suggests that plaster or poultice made of its seeds has been used since olden times for providing relief from bronchitis and to stimulate healthy blood circulation in the body. [13]

Treats Aches & Pains

Poultice, or plaster, made from mustard seeds helps in reducing pains and spasms, as well. Mustard has rubefacient (redness producing) properties and hence when applied as a plaster, exercises analgesic effects and provides relief from muscular aches. Another important advice to note here is that mustard plaster has warmer effects and may cause sore blistering if applied directly on the naked skin. To avoid that, a linen sheet should be used between the skin and the plaster. [14]

Poison Repulsion

In folk medicine, it is considered that mustard seeds possess protective emetic qualities, which resist the effects of poison on the body. A decoction made with its seeds helps in cleansing the body especially if the poisoning is caused by narcotics or excess intake of alcohol. [15]

Protection Against Bacterial & Fungal Infections

Research studies show that mustard and mustard products contain antioxidants that may protect against infections caused by various kinds of bacteria and fungi. However, more research is required to affirm its protective properties. [16]

Skin & Hair Care

Mustard seeds serve as a wonderful beauty aid as well. Mustard seeds, roasted in sesame or coconut oil, enrich the resultant sieved oil and make it an effective remedy for acne to promote a clearer complexion. When mixed with aloe vera gel, it acts as a great hydrating agent for the skin. Furthermore, it is a rich source of antioxidants that slows down the aging process. [17]

Mustard oil, on the other hand, is good for the hair as well. The oil that is extracted from the seeds is rich in Vitamin A and omega 3 fatty acids, which is beneficial for hair growth, strength, and overall health. Having said that, there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting the benefits of mustard for hair and skin. Hence more research is needed. [18]

Helps Manage Diabetes

Mustard leaves may be helpful for those with diabetes. A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology demonstrated that mustard seed may be beneficial in reducing the damage caused by oxidative stress associated with this chronic disease. Another study published in the Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis examined the administration of mustard oil, in vivo, and found it can help in reducing the levels of blood sugar in the body more effectively than medication alone. It aids in stimulating glucose metabolism as well. [19] [20]

Cholesterol-Lowering Ability

Leaves of the mustard plant also have tremendous cholesterol-lowering power. A study published in the Nutrition Research has shown that cruciferous vegetables, in particular, mustard greens have an amazing ability to bind bile acids in the digestive tract which facilitate easy excretion of these acids from the body. The bile acids usually comprise cholesterol, so ultimately the binding process helps in reducing the cholesterol levels of the body. [21]

Another noteworthy fact here is that the steamed version of mustard green has better bile acid-binding as compared to the raw version. So steam them lightly, and maybe, add little-roasted cuminsalt, and pepper and enjoy.
These greens are a nutritional powerhouse and instrumental in reducing the development of blockages in the arteries, thus reducing–and hopefully helping to mitigate heart-related ailments.[22]

Vitamin B6 content present in these greens prevents the platelets from clumping and moderates the risk of thrombosis. [23]

Source: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/herbs-and-spices/mustard.html